Wiki bomber : Seo Software Full [portable version] free download,Clyde's Wiki Bomber

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Wiki bomber is software that has a huge database of wiki sites. There is a server-side script that is constantly in search of footprints, sites and non-working sites, so that you don't have to do the work manually. There is such a success rate with this program that most people can't believe that they were doing this type of working so manually in the first place. There is a multiple CMS support with this, and that is why you do not need to limit yourself to only those mediawiki sites.

The Cool Features of Wiki Bomber

There are many features which come with Wiki Bomber. This review is going to briefly discuss some of them, and when you start using it, you will discover many of the other features which will make your SEO efforts easier and profitable.


When working online, it is necessary to do things as if you many people were carrying out the same tasks, even if you were the same person. If you choose to use this software you have the benefit of working under a randomized username which will be generated for you for every single wiki site. This will then eliminate your footprint from showing on that campaign. If you choose to post an article to 10,000 sites, then there will be 10,000 different usernames generated for you. That is a great thing about this program, and there is no limit to the amount of work that you can do.

Account Creator

There is also a multi-threaded account creator which will allow you to run as much as fifty threads all at the same time. You will not have to wait around any longer for your accounts to be registered because Wiki Bomber will create them for you with a single query.

Fast Poster

There is also a poster and article submission process which work with multiple threads. This is one of the fastest wiki posters available on the market. If you were to post manually, you would need to dedicated hundreds of hours to do that.

Article Scraping

You can easily scrape articles from the web using this software, saving you hours of doing the copy-pasting manually. All that is required on your behalf is entering in a seed keyword and then allowing that software to do the rest for you. You can stop writing the unique articles and wasting your time doing so.

Article Spinning

The uniqueness of your content is very important in online marketing. After using the software to scrape articles, it also has an auto-spinner that is built into its interface. This will automatically spin and create a spyntax code for your article.


If you are fed up with entering CAPTCHAs manually, you should count on Wiki Bomber to do the task for you. It integrates with third-party services to solve your CAPTCHAs when doing submissions. This saves a lot of time, as you only need to do the settings.

Many Link Building Campaigns

With Wiki Bomber, you are not restricted to a single campaign at a time. The software allows you to add various link building campaigns at the same time, after which it will go through your campaign list on a daily basis without you having to touch anything. There is a pre-scheduled time for it for your own convenience.

Determine the Speed

Wiki Bomber is very fast for any task you choose. However, there are cases you might need to reduce the speed so to simulate human. There are many drip feed links and you can choose them at various velocities. Whether you want to choose them at 1000 per day or 100 per day, the choice is yours.

Fast Indexing

You will get your sites indexed quickly by the search engines when using Wiki Bomber. There is a built in RSS creator which will automatically create the feed from your list of URLs, and then use them in the servers, so that you can get your links indexed much faster.

Anchor Text Diversity

There is diversity in the anchor text -- you have the option of adding in random texts with a click of a button. The software will scrape the web for the most-commonly used texts, so that your link building campaigns will appear very natural to Google and all of the website administrators.

Detailed Reporting

The software has a complete reporting, so that you can get an overall break down of what is going on with your campaigns. The report can also be downloaded after the process has been completed. This is very effective if you are offering SEO services for your clients, where you need to deliver reports after the task is completed.

How To Get 1,000 of Backlinks from Authority EDU or GOV Wiki Sites With Clyde's Wiki Bomber App



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