How to define SEO success?

How to define SEO and welcome. My name is Harald Tschuggnall, and today we're going to talk about the question, "How to define SEO success?" How can you define if your SEO strategy is successful? How can you define if you still should put some money into it or if you should change the strategy? This is what we're going to talk about today.

So you have to know first that SEO takes time to work, of course. If there's a company out there that promise you that you're going to rank next week or probably in a month, this is normally ... A week is, of course, too short, and a month is not really realistic. If, maybe, it's a very niche product, a very niche service, then it could be possible that you could see some results within a month. But normally what we see is it takes from three to six months to see SEO results.

In this time, you also have to modify, of course, your strategy. If you see ... It's quite normal to see that two, three months it takes to see the first changes. Like I mentioned in some of my other videos, we can also see sometimes that, if you start to link building or start to work on the SEO side for a client, that a lot of rankings will go down. This is, I think, because there is an algorithm. We know that there is a pattern out there, and there's an algorithm, that will just do the opposite what you think should happen.

So if you start to do link building, if you do some bigger changes, and Google sees, "Okay, there's something going on. We're not quite sure what's going on," they will sometimes try to show you the opposite. Basically, it will be all okay or positive, but they show you that your rankings are dropping. Most of the people then would panic and just redo it, make the changes, redo the changes on the website, maybe remove the links, or stop to do link building. And then, for Google, this would be a very clear proof that you try to manipulate the search engine.

So you have to know that, of course, you need a lot of experience, but this can sometimes happen. If we see the keyword come up, then we also monitor, of course, the URL where the keyword is ranking for. Sometimes we see ranking changes because one day is this URL ranking, the other day is that URL ranking. This is because your website is not structured perfect. If you have a good structure, then it will be very clear for the user and for the search engine that this landing page is for this keyword.

But sometimes you have got the blog post about that keyword and you have the product and you have a category, you have 15 other blog posts, and you have two other products. That could be, you know, Google is not quite sure what sub-page or what page should be ranking for that product.

So what I want to say about that is you can't really say take this at this long time. It also depends on your website structure. It depends on if you did a good work with your content, meaning that you have nice landing pages, that you have good-written content, and of course it depends on your back link profile, what back link profile you have in the moment, are you already all optimized for some keywords. If this is the case, you have to be very careful in doing link building. You can still do link building, but you shouldn't use any keywords, so you should try to go the other way. If you have a quite spammy link profile already, you should build up high quality links and you shouldn't use the anchor text that you used already.

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