Happy Holidays and 2016 Recap (Recap In Description) From Sold With Video and Brandon Lucero!

We at Sold With Video wanted to wish you a very happy holiday! 2016 was a great year full of surprises, new projects, new marketing strategies and our re-brand! We wanted to share some clips of the highlights and talk about some of the biggest things that happened in 2016.

We started the year talking about a podcast and putting out new YT content but quickly realized we took on too much and didn't have the right processes and systems in place to make it sustainable. Lesson learned. We learned it is much more efficient to start small, dial in a system and expand from there. So, we ended putting our content and podcast on pause (still not sure what we're doing with the podcast lol).

It was a good lesson and it allowed us to focus on the most important part of business... the sales. We launched Local Video Academy, set up automated sales process, and really fine tuned how we marketed and sold our products and services.

One of the things the Sold With Video team struggled with in 2016 was how to keep our content consistent, with keeping sales consistent and making sure we hit our clients deadlines. Our content took a back seat so we could get our clients content done on time. But, as we round out the year we have a good system in place that allows us to push out our content, our clients content and keep sales consistent. It took a while but we're there!

We hired a third video editor to help with that process but what really made the difference was learning how to create a template guide for content, styles, formats, systemizing the production and having team meetings on Mondays to go over what we want to accomplish this week and then a recap of what worked and what didn't.

And now we have a new style, set and content coming up in 2017. We completely re-branded Sold With Video, which was a big task for us because branding is NOT our speciality. Luckily, one of the biggest surprises of the year was partnering with Sunny D. Lenarduzzi​, who is a master at building a brand and community.

About halfway into the year, I (Brandon) reached out to Sunny to see if she wanted to join a mastermind I was putting together and shortly after we decided to partner on a product. We knew with both of our opposite skill-sets, combined with her knowledge on social video, that we could create something amazing.

In 3 months we created the product, launched it and already had it generating revenue! Creating this project was the one of my proudest moments in business AND definitely the proudest moment in 2016. We had a team of 10 people working on it at one point and with over 80 videos, covering 5 platforms, including a live event it IS the best product out there on using social video to grow a following. Taught by the best in the industry!

For me, the biggest takeaways in 2016 were to not put so much pressure on myself, self imposed deadlines are not REALLY deadlines, nailing a system and process first is extremely important with content and sales, to live in the moment more, give, love, forgive and MOST IMPORTANTLY... to not run a business from scarcity or fear (although this is easier said than done sometimes).

In 2016 I was business partners with two of my biggest competitors and we created things together that touched thousands of peoples lives and helped thousands of business owners. They have not only become my business partners but two of my closest friends.

It's easy to let ego, money, and competition get in the way of business but when you can let it go amazing things can happen. By partnering up with my two biggest competitors (James Wedmore​ and Sunny) we elevated ourselves, our businesses, and created things that we couldn't have done on our own. I needed them and they needed me to create the impact that we did. Not only that, but I can honestly say that "my competition" are now some of the closest friends and to me that is the biggest win of 2016!
