How To Set and Accomplish Goals With Your Sales Process/Funnel - VLOG #9

Grow your business with YouTube with our FREE workshop: or check out business owners it becomes very easy to get overwhelmed with everything you have to do on a daily basis. But, what is the most important thing to focus your time, effort and money on?

Well sales, revenue, cash flow, etc are the driving force of the business. You can't have anything else going on until you have the sales coming in. If you don't have sales coming in there is no need for a business bank account, a website, employees, fulfilling orders, working on your social media accounts, etc.

But of course, marketing is what leads to sales, but again, it can be overwhelming. Where do you start? Do you put up YouTube videos? Do you use social media? Do you run ads?

Then you ask... What do you focus on to make sure sales come in? What process do you set up? What sales funnel do you create?

The biggest thing I have learned over the years is to work backwards. I ask myself... what is my goal? What is the step before that? What is the step before that? And you can start to figure out what what numbers you need to hit to get your revenue goals and what the sales process will start to look like.

In this VLOG we break down the steps of setting up your revenue goals and how I used my YouTube channel as a tool to get more sales, leads and grow my business.

Enjoy the video and don't forget to join me on sites how to get more sales with YouTube here:
