What is Google's Algorithm - Revealed from an SEO Expert

Watch PART II of the video here: Ranking Formula has been cracked. Alec Shekhar of GainWebsite.com reveals what it is. This talk was given at the Delaware Economic Development Office's Forum for new Entrepreneurs in September, 2014.

In this first video of the company's SEO tutorial series, Alec starts from how search engines orginated to where Google's ranking philosophy came from, to what it is today. The formula reveals for the first time, the critical factors that make up the Google Algorithm.

In upcoming videos, Alec will break down each element of the formula and show you precisely the factors that matter.

Part 1: - What is Google's algorithm - Part 1 - Overall

Part 2: - Google Algorithm - Part 2 - How to Easily Increase Your Website Quality

Part 3: - Google Algorithm - part3 - How Google Judges Your Content

Part 4: - Google Algorithm - Part4 - How Google Judges Visitor Engagement

Part 5: - Google Algorithm - Part 5 - Social Signals - What Google is Looking for

Part 6: - Google Algorithm - Part 6 - How to Get Good Backlinks
