How to SEO your website to rank top in Google

Learn this simple SEO tip to rank your website to top in Google results for any of the targeted keywords you choose.

In this video I am going to teach you

How to SEO your website to rank top in Google (Example Included)

Note: This is a simple SEO tip but need to research & work a little for implementing it.

Why content is King?

Users only want to learn new things.

Users only want useful contents.

Users want to learn very quick.

Users will share it if they are impressed.

That's why new, useful, quality contents are always KING.

How Google finds a quality content?

Google's Crawler is becoming Intelligent day by day, So it can read & find it useful or not as we can. This is only a basic evaluation.

The majority of the quality finding is done by checking how many links pointing towards that particular page. (Internal/External).

For external links Google checks whether that site is good or bad. Depending on this your site may be awarded or ignored or even penalized.

And the Anchor text used for each links.(This one is the key)

Anchor Text Importance in SEO

Anchor text is like a key to your article. Since the user only see the anchor text not the link.

Now you got the idea behind the ranking for your site.

Since this technique is hard to spam/fake, Google gives more priority apart from other ranking factors.

Now you may think "Then how to implement this technique?"

First of all analyse & research for keywords which more than 1000 users search for per month. You can use Google AdWords Keyword Tool, Google Trends, or even a survey.

Then include those keywords in future blog posts(no keyword stuffing).

Now link those keywords to other relevant blog posts of your site for which you wish to rank high in Google.

Evergreen contents are most Shared.

Write evergreen contents & link other evergreen contents of your blog using the keywords.

Writing evergreen contents has two benefits:

There will be lot of users want this always.

Lot of backlinks will get in the long run(Natural Backlinks which Google Loves)

Participate in forums that are related to your niche, & in social networks

But DON'T SPAM with links of your site, that may get penalized by Google & those forums too, Instead share knowledge with those, befriend & build a community there who loves you for the contribution you had done.

In forums, if any topic is related to any of your blog posts & if adding that link will help at least some of the members then only add your link with a keyword as anchor text.

In social networks, especially Google Plus, DON'T SPAM with your links everywhere, Instead build a community there too, share your knowledge, share others posts if you find it useful, respect others knowledge & queries.

For posting your link or sharing your blog posts think of this: Is those who see like this & get a click from at least some of them, if no then don't post or share your link.

Link building is a very dangerous task in SEO, But its safe if you don't spam those sites, in which you place your links.

Keywords: SEO, Link building, Top in Google, Google SEO, SERP, Backlinks SEO
