SEO Tutorial: How Google Finds, Analyzes, and Ranks Content

Watch the full 12-minute lesson for free: your content to rank highly in search results depends predominantly on two things: One, improving discovery and relevance by creating lots of high-quality content on the topics you want to be known for; and two, building authority by getting lots of high-quality backlinks to your website. In this lesson, we'll teach you how to drive visitors to your website through search engine optimization.

Taught by:

Matthew Howells-Barby

Director of Acquisition

Matthew Howells-Barby is Director of Acquisition on HubSpot’s marketing team, and HubSpot’s in-house SEO expert. He is an award-winning digital marketing consultant, specializing in developing growth strategies for businesses of all sizes. He is also a regular columnist for a number of marketing publications, including Moz, Marketing Land, and Search Engine Journal.
