SEO Company Jupiter FL | SEO Terms Defined

Jupiter's best SEO Company your business in need of more leads and phone calls? Have you created a beautiful site, but don't have much business to show for it?

Even the most beautiful site is useless if no one sees it! Think about this when you need to find something locally what do you do? Do you go to the yellowpages book? Probably not.

If you are like most people, you Google it, right?!

IF your website is not on the first page of Google when your local customer searches for your service or product, then you are MISSING OUT on a huge opportunity!

Search Engine Optimization most referred to as SEO is the practice of optimizing your site so Google will see it as the most relevant result for your customers searches (and therefore show your site first!) bringing you more traffic and more leads!

This video gives a simple breakdown of the most common SEO terms.


