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It may seem strange to think of YouTube as a search engine, but that is YouTube. Video SEO simply optimizes your videos to index and place them on search engine results pages. In many cases, there are keywords you already know before you optimize your video, so I # ve included a few of these keywords to help YouTube and Google figure out who you are and what your video is all about.

Like any good YouTube SEO, you want to get links to your channel and individual videos, so don't be afraid to connect your video channel, even though you shouldn't get into spammy shortcuts. SEO-optimized descriptions help Google and YouTube tell you who you are and what your videos are about without being spammers. If you actually say what the keywords are, YouTube will understand better what they are.

These are tricks that may or may not dramatically affect your SEO, but they are important nonetheless. At the end of the day, your content is the foundation of your seo, so make sure you do it as well as you can, not just good enough. Although it can be difficult to organically organize your site, rankings will come as long as you continue to create high quality content and ensure that the technical SEO component is in place.

While viral hits are great, remember that YouTube is not just about views, it's about engagement. Liking and commenting on your videos is a one-time action, but people will see your content regularly. Look for a subscriber base and build a long-term relationship with your viewers.

It may take a bit of getting used to, but YouTube SEO is a little different from regular SEO, so do your keyword research for it the way you would for normal SEO. It's a great way to get views that accumulate from your other videos and give you an extra chance to win subscribers. If you want more tips and tricks for more views, subscribers and traffic to YouTube, I would love your new YouTube Search SEO tutorial!

Once you have chosen your title, do your keyword search as described and then take a look at the keywords of your competitors.

This section contains all the important background information you need to understand before you dive into YouTube optimization tactics. This type of data can help you optimize your video content better, and this metric is perfect to improve your YouTube SEO and observe even the finest details of your performance.

In this blog post, we found that you can get a slight video SEO boost by putting this keyword at the top of your title. Once you have found the video keyword , it is time to see if there is any search volume for this keyword.

If you can put your video in Google, it will get 2.5 times more views and many searchers will click on it. If you don't have much content, create a playlist that uses other people's videos to get viewers to your YouTube channel page. The better you understand your videos, the higher your rank and the more likely they are to appear as suggested. You can also place the video on Google up to 1,000 places in the top 10% of all YouTube videos.

If you search for "How to make an apple pie," you will see tons of video sequences and at least one of them is on YouTube.

When YouTube sees people distributing the video, they think it must be a great piece of content. You notice that many people click on the results and think that they need to be ranked higher in the search results.

Since YouTube is a video search engine, you should approach your content creation in the same way you would do when optimizing your website. Your success on YouTube depends not only on the content you post, but also on your ability to optimize yourself for it.

There are many free and paid tools, but find the one that makes you feel comfortable so you can track your progress while optimizing your video. One important metric to keep an eye on is the watch, and once you've optimized and uploaded a video, you want to be able to monitor and analyze its performance.

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