Searching & Sorting Algorithms Full Course 2022 | Data Structures Explained 2022 | Simplilearn

🔥Explore our FREE Courses with Completion Certificate: Simplilearn video is based on the Searching and Sorting Algorithms Full Course. This tutorial mainly focuses on all the major Sorting Algorithms In Data Structures Explained with detailed theory and practical examples for providing a better learning experience.

This video covers the following Sorting Algorithms in Data Structures


Bubble sort algorithm

Binary search algorithm

BFS algorithm

DFS algorithm

Linear search algorithm

Bucket sort

Counting sort algorithm

Radix sort algorithm

Heap sort

Merge sort algorithm

Quick sort algorithm

Selection sort algorithm

Shell sort

Greedy algorithm

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What Is a Data Structure?

The short answer is: a data structure is a specific means of organizing data in a system to access and use. The long answer is a data structure is a blend of data organization, management, retrieval, and storage, brought together into one format that allows efficient access and modification. It’s collecting data values, the relationships they share, and the applicable functions or operations.

Why Is Data Structure Important?

The digital world processes an increasing amount of data every year. According to Forbes, there are 2.5 quintillion bytes of data generated daily. The world created over 90 per cent of the existing data in 2018 in the previous two years! The Internet of Things (IoT) is responsible for a significant part of this data explosion. Data structures are necessary to manage the massive amounts of generated data and are a critical factor in boosting algorithm efficiency. Finally, since nearly all software applications use data structures and algorithms, your education path needs to include learning data structure and algorithms if you want a career as a data scientist or programmer. Interviewers want qualified candidates who understand how to use data structures and algorithms, so the more you know about the concepts, the more comfortably and confidently you will answer data structure interview questions.

What is an Algorithm?

An algorithm is a set of well-designed, step-by-step instructions designed to solve a problem or perform a specific task. The task can be something as simple as multiplying two numbers, or a more complex operation, like playing a music file. In a computer programming context, algorithms are frequently created as functions.

Sometimes you hear people talk about algorithms in the context of social media and advertisement. For instance, say one day you’re online and you conduct a search on Google for leather gloves. You get your results and, feeling like you’ve accomplished something, you take a break and see if any of your friends are on Facebook. When you log in, you find yourself face to face with a Facebook ad for gloves! What gives? That’s an algorithm at work in digital marketing, automating the task of displaying ads for you based on your previous searches.

Basic Data Structures

Here’s a list of recognized basic data structures:




✅Hash Tables


✅Linked lists




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